
Problems with Installing Office 2016 a

Dear <Customer>,

Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service.

It was great speaking with you earlier. As follow up to your conversation about<issue>,I am sending you the link below for your reference.


Office Home and Business 2016


Click to Run:

32-bit: https://c2rsetup.officeapps.live.com/c2r/download.aspx?ProductreleaseID=HomeBusinessRetail&platform=X86&language=en-US&source=O15O365&version=O16GA

64-bit: https://c2rsetup.officeapps.live.com/c2r/download.aspx?ProductreleaseID=HomeBusinessRetail&platform=X64&language=en-US&source=O15O365&version=O16GA


Short Link:

32-bit: http://tinyurl.com/HomeBusiness2016c2r-32bit

64-bit: http://tinyurl.com/HomeBusiness2016c2r-64bit


Offline IMG:

Short Link: http://tinyurl.com/HomeBusiness2016

Direct Link: http://officecdn.microsoft.com/pr/492350f6-3a01-4f97-b9c0-c7c6ddf67d60/media/en-US/HomeBusinessRetail.img

Office Tech Department :

132058 opt 1-1-1-2

We hope that this would help to resolve your issue.

We thank you for your continuous support of Microsoft's products and services. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require more information.


<Agent Name>

If your issue still persists even after following the instructions included in the information, please utilize the following support resources.

n  Visit MS Community (http://answers.microsoft.com) and post your questions.

n  Visit our support home page (http://support.microsoft.com)

n  Visit our Twitter twitter.com/MSAU (Australia)

twitter.com/microsoftnz – (New Zealand) where you can post your questions

Please do not respond to this e-mail as this mailbox is unattended. If you have questions about this message, please contact us by Email via the “contact us” option at the bottom of our homepage www.microsoft.com/<country> OR via our care line numbers below:

Australia : 13 20 58

New Zealand: 0800 800 004

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